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TOPIC: Re:Dog Park
GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Dog Park 15 Years ago Karma: 12  
FlyingAce wrote:
Do you (or anyone else) happen to know what, if any, irrigation is down there? If a group of homeowners were to get together and provide some sod and the necessary labor, is there any way to keep it watered? Of course, figuring out the eventual mowing and maintenance would be another issue, but I haven't been down there since last fall so I don't remember exactly what has been installed in terms of "infrastructure."

Water lines are in the park to supply the two pumps. As for landscape irrigation, the only lines installed supply the trees. It wouldn't have been a stretch for KL to install a single irrigation line down the center of the park and use the same 25',360 sprinkler heads used in other areas of the community.

But then turf in the entire area may not be the best solution. There are several recommended surfaces for this kind of park.
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JessC (User)
Jess C.
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Re:Dog Park 14 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2  
Here's a rebel idea... what happens if we make the Dog Park a private club like thing. Stop paying dues to HOA for the dog park and pay a "president" that the due paying members can chose or someone can even elect themselves. We can use the money to do what needs to be done, like a building manager. I know the pet club submitted paperwork to the HOA for Rules and all that, well if the pet club takes over the dog park then the paying members would have to sign a release to obey the rules and we cut everyone else out. KL gets the credit for putting in the dog park or excuse me "greatest pet amenity in DayBreak" and we get a safe, fun, and inviting dog park for our pets! Any takers? I just think its pointless to try and go through the hoolah hoops that the HOA/KL and whomever else puts up. I have NEVER seen any actual penalty or agreesive stance taken toward people who don't listen to their rules, so why do we keep trying to follow them? what's the point?
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zholmquist (User)
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Re:Dog Park 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0  
We live North of the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in Oquirrh Park - the small community below the Daybreak Bluff. Is it possible for non-but-close-ish Daybreak Residents to use the Dog Park?

Thanks for any responses.
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sentinel (User)
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Re:Dog Park 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18  
No, the Daybreak Dog Park is the only "private" amenity which is not allowed visitor-access, at present.

HOA dues and Kennecott Land monies pay for maintenance, registration costs, design and enhancements so it is a resident-exclusive facility.

All of our other "private" amenities (parks, trails, lake, etc.) are open for visitors, at present, as you may know but due to problems which require additional expense to the homeowners, may become limited-access in the future.

Dogs, to be allowed access, must be licensed and up-to-date on all vaccines. Owners pay an additional small fee (a little over a dollar per month, per dog) to defray insurance costs, registration materials, etc.

We visit the West Jordan dog park, often, as it is a first-rate facility and it is free (after writing off the cost of gas, however) and it is all-welcoming. One has to take one's chances with the conditions (health and temperment) of the dogs there, however.

Thanks for your interest in our community and its amenities.
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