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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
OK, now this is just way to funny;

A real estate agent told a client looking at homes in Daybreak, the reason for the picketing is, "the woman with the signs is protesting children setting up lemonaide stands on corners in Daybreak".

I wonder if that was a Kennecott memo to all the valley agents or if that's the answer you get when calling the HOA.
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lauramoncur (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: -1  
I had too much to say about this for one forum post, so I wrote a blog entry about it:

Daybreak Dream a Nightmare?

Must be a new definition of the word nightmare that I'm unfamiliar with...
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
lauramoncur wrote:
I had too much to say about this for one forum post, so I wrote a blog entry about it:

Daybreak Dream a Nightmare?

Must be a new definition of the word nightmare that I'm unfamiliar with...

Stopped by the blog, really wasn't something you couldn't have fit here on the forum.

After living in Sugarhouse for the last six years, all of these complaints seem superfluous.

•Are you paying $1080 a month for 823 square feet?

•Is your house so old that the drains don’t drain, the power breakers pop if you run the microwave and the toaster at the same time or the colony of mice living in your basement are impossible to exterminate?

•Have you had panhandlers knock on your door asking for money?

•Have you dealt with boarded up windows and waist-high weeds at the two vacant houses on your street?

•Was your supposedly securely locked bicycle been stolen off your front porch in the middle of the night?

•Has a stranger been apprehended and arrested by the police in your backyard?

Daybreak is HEAVEN compared to some of the issues in other neighborhoods, even prestigious ones like Sugarhouse. If the Daybreak Dream is a NIGHTMARE, I think you need to learn the correct definition of nightmare and move downtown for a while. You’ll come back to South Jordan with a whole new perspective.

We made a decision NOT to live in Sugarhouse for many of the reasons you listed. Before you make such a broad stroke statement about what is and is not HEAVEN, you should investigate what is happening that would push a resident to take such drastic action. Look beyond your block before making a judgement.

To answer your questions
NO, I would never make a decision to pay that kind of money for so little. But I did pay more for my Daybreak house.

Yes, we have had scammers show up at our Daybreak door step asking for money.

Yes, we have abandon homes with overgrown waist high weeds.

Yes, neighbors have had numerous bicycles stolen from their porches and property.

Yes, we have had the police in our alley apprehending suspects.

And all that has happened in Daybreak.
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Last Edit: 2009/07/15 04:22 By GirlInterrupted.
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JustMe (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 14  
Just a thought, and I'm truly not intending to be rude about this... but according to your blog, you don't even live in daybreak yet. Its much easier to view something as a dream when you are on the outside looking in, which is exactly what most of us who have lived here have done. I'm approaching 2 years that we've been here and am still surprised to find out about all the skeletons that reside in our HOA's closet! Most of the residents who post on here are truly what makes daybreak so wonderful. They are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet who are continuously striving to make our neighborhood even better. In particular, the HOA has tried to do anything and everything to prevent the residents voices from being heard. This site itself is being financed through a residents own pocketbook to ensure that doesn't happen. In return, this site has provided information and access to other residents that was taken away over a year ago and that we all love to have! While I understand no neighborhood is perfect, there is no harm in trying to make one be. As for the nightmare comment... I believe having the HOA harrass you, allowing other residents to harrass you by giving your information and even calling the cops on residents who are trying to get them to do their job would qualify as a nightmare. I'm personally not willing to be treated poorly by people that are being overpaid on my dime!
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GirlInterrupted (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 12  
JustMe wrote:
Most of the residents who post on here are truly what makes daybreak so wonderful. They are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet who are continuously striving to make our neighborhood even better.

Daybreak has some of the greatest people I've had the pleasure to share a community with, and I have lived all over the United States.

Geez JustMe, I didn't realize it's been 2 years for you already.
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JustMe (User)
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Re:Resident with signs on Topview and Daybreak Pkwy. 14 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 14  
Yup, it will be 2 years next month! I couldn't believe it when I was cleaning out paperwork and saw our closing date. It feels like we just moved in!
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