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New businesses coming to the District Print E-mail
User Rating: / 7
Written by Scoop   
Saturday, 24 September 2011 14:08

There are three new restaurants and one clothing store coming to the District, to view who is coming you need to be logged in...

Last Updated on Saturday, 24 September 2011 14:17
Holiday thought and sharing from Senator Osmond Print E-mail
Written by Scoop   
Monday, 04 July 2011 11:30

Dear District 10 Citizen,


Hello to my friends and fellow citizens of District 10.  Below you will find a couple of quick updates I wanted to share with you on this beautiful Independence Day.  Please pass this on to anyone in your neighborhood area who may be interested.


Happy Independence Day!

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy Independence Day to each of you!  Despite our state and national challenges we are so blessed to live in a country where we can exercise our freedoms to practice our faith and worship as we see fit, to participate in the political process, to pursue our dreams and ambitions, and to build a future for our children and grandchildren free from oppression and fear.   May we each take a moment to thank God for this great blessing of being citizens of the greatest country on earth!  May we also remember the many men and women who gave their lives that we might have this freedom.  Let us also each be diligent and willing to do what is necessary to protect  those freedoms against those who would take them from us both within and without our borders.


Reminder - Redistricting Meeting - July 12th

This is a reminder that we need your support and participation at our upcoming Redistricting meeting.  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 12th at 6:00pm at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Service Building in West Jordan (7905 S. Redwood Road).  Here is a link to the Redistricting Web Site:   http://www.redistrictutah.com.  Please pass this on to members of your district and precinct. We need to show strong support and interest in our how our new borders will be drawn.  Also, attached is a copy of the letter prepared by the Western Growth Coalition (representing the Mayors, City Councils, and Chamber Presidents of the west side) that was sent to the legislature.  This will give you a sense for what your elected officials are asking for relative to redistricting.


Next District 10 Policy Planning Meeting - August 20th

This is a reminder that you are invited to attend our next District 10 Policy Planning Meeting.  The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 20th, from 9am to 12 noon at the Daybreak Community Center in South Jordan. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a regular quarterly opportunity for us to discuss our thoughts, concerns, ideas, and solutions to key policy issues that I will face on your behalf as your Senator during the upcoming 2012 General Legislative Session.    Note:  I have also invited Representative Ken Ivory to join us at this meeting to discuss a critical State Sovereignty topic during our meeting.  ACTION:  Please mark your calendars now to attend this meeting and pass it on to others in your neighborhood.




Last Updated on Monday, 04 July 2011 11:31
Daybreak Family loses home and needs community support!!! Print E-mail
User Rating: / 7
Written by Scoop   
Sunday, 03 July 2011 13:15

As many of you are already aware a family lost their home and most of their belongings last night due to a horrible accident with fireworks. A few of us are creating/promoting a fund raising effort for the family and are hoping everyone could help if they can. The family will need clothes and money ASAP and if possible Target gift cards, etc…


The family has 3 children, 12 and 8 year old girls and a 10 year old boy, so please do what you can and see if you have anything to donate…


Here is one of the places you can bring donations:


Tomorrow morning (July 4th) at the pavilion around 9am by the splash pool will be a breakfast for the Founders 1rst ward. People can bring items of help to this breakfast. If you donate it....it will either be for the family or taken to D.I. if the family doesn’t need it.


WHAT TO BRING? FIRST, gift cards to target or Wal-Mart work. Money too. (They didn’t have renters insurance and have lost everything.)


12 yr old girl size 14 To 16 pant and adult small shirt and 8.5 size woman shoe;
10 yr old boy 12 to 14 pant. Large boy shirt. Shoe..not sure.
8 yr old girl 7 to 8 pant medium girl’s shirt and size 1 shoe.
Mom size4 in women’s adult small to medium shirt 7.5 woman shoe.
Dad size 38 waist prob 32 length. Shirt extra large size 11 shoe


PLEASE help with anything you can…we need to come out and show how we support our neighbors here in Daybreak!!



Last Updated on Sunday, 03 July 2011 13:30
Happy 4th of July...Daybreak events this weekend Print E-mail
User Rating: / 2
Written by Scoop   
Saturday, 02 July 2011 09:13

As you celebrate the 4th of July this weekend spending time with friends and family having BBQ's, block parties, and enjoying fireworks (legal fireworks). Please take a few minutes to remember those who gave their lives serving our country to give us the freedoms we all are enjoying and celebrating this weekend.

Be safe this weekend and stay thirsty my friends!!!

So these are the events this weekend in Daybreak:


Saturday, July 2nd ~

The SoDa RoW 4th of July celebration

Where: Soda Row

When: 12noon-9pm

What: Music, games, contests, etc…


Monday July 4th ~

The Daybreak Village Block parties!!!!

Founders Village Block Party (details here on Facebook)



Eastlake Village Block Party (details here on Facebook)



Northshore Village Block Party (details on Facebook)


Last Updated on Sunday, 03 July 2011 13:31
New Daybreak Pool Rules, misleading statements by the HOA?, and more fleecing of the Daybreak homeowners $$ by CCMC Print E-mail
User Rating: / 12
Written by Scoop   
Thursday, 23 June 2011 13:45
The Daybreak pool has a NEW rule, which states that all children 8 or under who wish to enter the pool must have a parent must be in the water with them. A Daybreak resident did some research and asked the HOA why the new rule was being put in place; they were told it was a new state law. It turns out that was in fact not true and was verified by the state and county. The resident then reached back out to the HOA and talked to Clint Warnick (manager of DCC and pools), he indicated that he made up the new rule and his reasoning was because in his opinion the Daybreak parents sunbathe and don't pay attention to their children went attending the Daybreak Pool. The resident then explained that they thought it was better for parents to watch their kids from the side of the pool they can see their children better (a better overall view) instead of being in the water and having their vision at water level (obstructed view).

Now I would understand the rule if it was for kids 4 and under, and I am a total advocate for safety, however for the rule to cover all children 8 years old and under it seems total overkill, the pool is already crowded enough. And I think Mr. Warnick’s opinion should have been kept to himself, and not communicated to a resident, after all he and all of the HOA employee’s work for us Daybreak Homeowners, sometime the Daybreak HOA employees forget who they work for. With that being said this is another incident of inappropriate behavior by a CCMC employee working for the Daybreak HOA, let’s hope he gets a good talking to about his conduct when speaking with the Daybreak residents.  

Last Updated on Thursday, 23 June 2011 13:56

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